In // Appropiate | Roger Peet + Others

July 8 - 28, 2015 | Littman Gallery
Reception: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 | 5 - 8pm
Curated by Cass Ray
An Excavation of Appropriation by Roger Peet with contributions by Sara Siestreem (Hanis Coos), Camas Logue (Klamath-Modoc), Sharita Towne and Gabe Flores.
hat do we talk about when we talk about cultural appropriation? In the barrage of news and analysis about figures like Rachel Dolezal and Iggy Azalea, it seems like it’s a subject about which almost everyone has an opinion, and examining those opinions brings to light unexpected ways of understanding society and culture. In July, PSU’s Littman Gallery will host a show of visual, audio and installation art that digs into the phenomenon of appropriation. This show is presented by Portland artist Roger Peet in association with artists Sara Siestreem (Hanis Coos), Camas Logue (Klamath-Modoc), Sharita Towne, and Gabe Flores.
Peet has created a body of visual work that uses large-format digital imagery and wearable personal color filters to examine the links between appropriation and violence, and how violence disappears in different cultural contexts. The show also incorporates the voices and opinions of a broad spectrum of Portland residents, who have been calling the project’s number to leave voicemail messages about appropriation for the past month.
Additional programming coordinated by Siestreem, Towne, and Flores will occur in the space during that time- including an installation project by Indigenous artists Siestreem and Logue that reappropriates space within the art world for indigenous cultural presence, presentations of the work with youth from Jefferson High School, and a live critique of the work by other Portland artists.
Read more about the show and listen to voicemails here, on Roger Peet’s tumblr.
Experience what it’s like with the whiteness goggles on by checking it out on our Instagram
Check out with Huffington Post Arts & Culture said about Roger’s exhibition.
See what Bitch Magazine had to say about the show on their tumblrand their website.
The project is funded by a grant from the Regional Arts and Culture Council (RACC).